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Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment At Beacon Point Recovery Center

While many individuals consume benzodiazepines safely for health purposes, these medications do have a high likelihood for addiction. If your benzodiazepine use has become uncontrollable, Beacon Point Recovery Center can help you get your life turned around. Our benzo rehab near Philadelphia uses tested methods to manage both the emotional and physical effects of addiction.

What Are Benzos?

Benzodiazepines are prescriptions that slow the nervous system, resulting in feelings of calm and muscle relaxation. Healthcare professionals frequently prescribe benzos to treat things like panic attacks, anxiety, and insomnia. Common benzodiazepines include

  • Alprazolam (Xanax)
  • Triazolam (Halcion)
  • Midazolam (Versed)
  • Lorazepam (Ativan)
  • Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
  • Diazepam (Valium)
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin)

How To Know If You Should Get Benzodiazepines Rehab Near Philadelphia

While many take benzodiazepines in a safe fashion, benzos become dangerous when misused. You or someone you love might have a benzodiazepine addiction if you exhibit negative changes in:

  • School or work performance
  • Appearance and hygiene
  • Mood and behavior
  • Relationships

You should find addiction services if you seek benzodiazepines from outside your perscription or try to see multiple doctors to perscribe drugs. Dangerous activities like driving after taking a benzo or combining benzos with alcohol are also strong red flags for help.

Furthermore, an addiction to benzodiazepines may result in health problems like:

  • Drowsiness
  • Lack of strength
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Reduced coordination
  • Problems breathing
  • Stroke or coma

If you or someone close to you has tried to halt the use of benzodiazepines but aren’t able to, it’s time for specialized assistance. Beacon Point Recovery Center offers benzo rehab for adults who have gone through detoxification from benzos but now need a protected place to live and continue treatment to avoid relapse. If you aren't sure what type of care you need at this time, contact us at 267-715-9624 for guidance.

How To Make Preparations For Benzo Rehab Near Philadelphia

Beacon Point Recovery is committed to meeting your every need as soon as you come to our Philadelphia rehab facility. With that being said, you’ll want to handle some things to get ready for your time here.

  1. Make preparations for your loved ones and your job. Our staff has substantial experience in programs like FMLA and will help coordinate with your office to get you approved time away from your job.
  2. Take along 10 days worth of clothing and other essentials. We recommend bringing casual things to wear, hair and toiletry products, and some books or magazines to read.
  3. Plan your transportation. We want you to be safe, so please ask a loved one or acquaintance for a ride to our location.

What Is The Length Of Benzodiazepine Rehab?

It can be hard to predict precisely the length of time benzo rehab will take because it will vary. Most people remain in our care for two to four weeks, but some will find benefit in extended plans of up to three months. Various factors will determine how long you stay with us:

  • The level of your benzodiazepine use
  • Your physical state
  • The presence of mental illnesses
  • How responsive you are to treatment
  • The amount of time you are impacted by post-acute withdrawal
  • What treatments our experts determine to be most beneficial for you

What You Can Anticipate From Benzodiazepines Rehab

You can anticipate only the finest degree of care at our benzodiazepines rehab for Philadelphia. We get started by supplying you with a well-furnished bedroom, nutritious meals and snacks, and engaging leisure activities at our facility.

When it comes to addiction treatment, our therapists only use evidence-based methods to explore the psychological facets of addiction and equip you for the journey of healing. You’ll participate in group and one-on-one therapy each day to improve your mental health and learn healthy habits.

We also offer medical treatment if you have post-acute withdrawal symptoms. Our medical staff is experienced in administering proper doses of medication to manage those symptoms without inducing dependency.

How We Keep You Safe Throughout Benzos Rehab

After benzo detox, you’re in danger of relapsing and an accidental overdose. In lieu of going home where the temptation to use may overwhelm you, stay at our benzodiazepines rehab in near Philadelphia. At Beacon Point, you’ll be secure in our inviting, sober environment surrounded by those who have an understanding of what you’re going through. You’ll be provided access to:

  • Customized, attentive medical and psychiatric care
  • Aftercare planning
  • Caring staff and clinicians
  • Peer support
  • Fully-furnished, relaxing rooms and community areas
  • Strict patient privacy and confidentiality guidelines

Request Help Now For Benzodiazepine Use Disorder

When you or someone you care about need support with benzodiazepine addiction, Beacon Point Recovery Center is here for you. Check in at our uptown Philly location, contact us at 267-715-9624, or complete the contact form on this page, and we will answer immediately, day or night, every day of the year. Request help now.