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Narcotics Detox Near Philadelphia

Narcotics Detox Services

Some of the most frequently abused substances fall under the narcotics category. A Narcotic is any substance ingested for non-medical intents that has behavioral or psychological effects. Narcotics often include medications received from a pharmacy that are ingested for non-medical intents, like opiates, amphetamines or benzodiazepines. This categorization can also include substances with no documented medical use like LSD, MDMA (ecstasy), PCP, Methamphetamine, GHB, or various other "designer drugs." These drugs are frequently made in non-sterile settings and are often contaminated with fentanyl or cleaning products.

Narcotics are frequently connected with nightlife. Many times they are taken with additional substances like cocaine or alcohol which put individuals at an even higher probability of adverse repercussions. These dangerous mixtures could become habitual and elevate the chance of heart attack and stroke in the long run. The list below has a number of the effects of short and long-term usage of narcotics. Most users will experience one or some of these symptoms sooner or later with continued narcoitcs usage.

  • Itchiness
  • Rapid Heart Rate
  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Reduced Kidney Function
  • Cognitive Decline
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Constipation
  • Neglected Hygiene
  • Congestion
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Current studies and neurological scans have detailed the harmful psychological effects street drugs have on the brain. Even using a single time can have a permanent impact an individual’s mental health and result in anxiety, psychotic behavior, and depression. To foster dependency and repeat customers, numerous narcotics manufactured in unregulated labs may be further altered and include additional chemicals.

woman and man chatting on the steps outside

Detox From Narcotics

Some of the most intense withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction withdrawal are those experienced with narcotics. Still, the effects of continued narcotics use far overshadow the withdrawal symptom effects. A medical program to detox from narcotics is the right way to mitigate these symptoms and begin a journey to recovery. Knowing narcotics, their affect on the brain, and how they are produced can help individuals better comprehend the perils of using them.

Types of Narcotics

PCP Phencyclidine or PCP

Phencyclidine or PCP is a hallucinogenic drug that produces an acute distortion in a person’s perception. Formulated in the 1950s as a type of intravenous anesthetic, its use was halted because of its unwanted effects on individuals. In addition to temporary effects, PCP may have dangerous long-term effects like addiction, overdose or death.


Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a central nervous system sedative that is particularly dangerous as it is frequently used in conjunction with alcohol and various other drugs. There is a threat of overdose due to the combination of drugs. Respiratory depression can take place, which might result in long-term effects or death. Medical support and early intervention is the proper course of action if there’s a likelihood of substance use disorder.

Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth)

Formed in the early 1900s from the drug amphetamine, Methamphetamine is an extremely habit-forming stimulant that impacts the central nervous system. Overdose is unfortunately widespread with Methamphetamine and might happen even with relatively small doses. Early intervention and medical care are advised if symptoms of substance use disorder are detected.

MDMA - Ecstasy, Molly

MDMA, (AKA: Ecstasy, Molly) is a popular nightlife drug that may have detrimental side effects, both immediate and long term. The structure of MDMA is akin to both stimulants and hallucinogens. But, much of the Ecstasy in circulation actually contains no MDMA, but instead are “bath salts.” This blend of synthetic cathinone produces a psychological impact like MDMA but can have potentially lethal side effects like dehydration, severe hypertension, muscle breakdown, severe psychosis, seizures, kidney failure, or possibly death.


Crack is a rock-like form of cocaine intended for smoking. The smoke-based form of delivery provides a rapid effect which is a driving force behind the drug’s proliferation. Early intervention and medical guidance are critical due to the high danger of overdose and substance use disorder.


Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic formulated to cause loss of consciousness or eliminate/mitigate pain. Because of its hallucinogenic and dissociative properties, it's a popular drug for parties, festivals, and nightlife. Predominant concerns of using the drug include substance use disorder and possible amnesia, psychosis and other serious complications.


Kratom is a psychotropic substance that can cause side effects akin to both opioids and stimulants. The mood-altering effects of Kratom may be short- and long-term]257] resulting in permanent damage. Rapid intervention and medical care is paramount


Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that is extraordinarily addictive. The drug is both widely used and dangerous. It can lead to substance use disorder, overdosing, or death. Frequent overdose symptoms include heart attack, stroke, and/or seizures. Due to the narcotic’s addictive nature, and the threat of overdosing, intervention and medical treatment is a must when use is discovered.

Contact Us About Our Narcotics Detox

Contact Us About Our Narcotics Detox Sunrise Detox is dedicated to assisting those who grapple with Substance Use Disorder. We’ll ensure your detox is as comfortable as possible even though the actual effects and long-term effects of the narcotic -- and any accompanying substance --  will vary greatly. Here at Sunrise Detox, we stay abreast of this rapidly evolving class of substances so we can best meet your detox requirements. 

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