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Detoxing With Depression And Addiction Near Philadelphia

Depression is a known fundamental source of substance use disorders, and this co-occurring condition ought to be managed during detox. If you’re ready to confront your addiction head-on but feel hampered by depression, Beacon Point is here to help. Our detox facility supports adults with depression and addiction in Philadelphia. When you’re primed to make the first step to recovery, reach out to us at 267-715-9624.

We Know About The Bond Between Substance Use And Depression

Finding effective treatment for depression presents many obstacles, so it’s not surprising if you cope with addictive alcohol or drugs. Unfortunately, counting on these substances can plunge you into a damaging self-medication pattern. When the feel-good effect of alcohol or drugs wanes, you sink lower than you were before and are compelled to self-medicate again. This spiral of addiction and depression quickly becomes unmanageable and dominates your life.

Beacon Point Recovery Center will help you successfully detox from alcohol or drugs. We know about the bond between depression and substance addiction and will confront both concurrently at our inpatient center. We provide a safe place for you to detox and take the initial step towards addiction recovery. Reach out to us at 267-715-9624 anytime to explore how we’ll help you safely detox and address your mental health.

Our Treatment For Depression And Addiction Near Philadelphia

The initial step in treating drug or alcohol use disorders is detoxing from these substances. Detoxing alone can be unsafe and ought to be done with guidance from licensed specialists. Co-occurring disorders such as depression add another barrier. Beacon Point Recovery Center provides skilled medical detox service that will care for both depression and addiction near Philadelphia.

Timing is crucial when it comes to commencing detox, so we work fast to admit you. When you get here, you will undergo an evaluation to shed light on your alcohol or drug use, your medical background, and your present condition. If you have a prior diagnosis of depression, we need to know so we can help you mitigate those symptoms while detoxing.

Medical Support During Detox

All patients obtain a personal plan of care, including how to handle your withdrawal symptoms and any co-occurring mental disorders. Our medical staff will lessen symptoms of withdrawal using safe doses of proven effective medications. If you are using antidepressants, we’ll make sure you continue to get your prescription. We take vital signs regularly to keep you safe until you have fully detoxed and regained your strength.

Mental Health Support During Detox

Because depression is a regular co-occurring disorder with drug and alcohol addiction, we want to make certain your mental health is supported at Beacon Point Recovery. You are able to participate in therapy and peer support sessions here when you feel up to it. We offer:

  • Individual therapy: work in private with a qualified therapist to examine the reasons for your depression and substance use.
  • Group therapy: gain perspective by listening to and sharing with fellow patients.
  • Peer support groups: converse with trained volunteers who have advanced through their own recovery and want to help you with yours.
  • Aftercare Planning: map out the future steps of your recovery, including the treatment of depression and substance use.

This additional layer of support helps you deal with detox and begin to take control of your mental health.

Why Go To Beacon Point Recovery Center For Inpatient Detox Services?

We take steps to make detox as agreeable as we can for you and treat mental health in the process. We feel helping you get through this opening step in a judgment-free, thoughtful way will lay the groundwork for further success in your recovery journey.

To start you on the right foot, we supply professional care in a hospitable setting where you’ll get

  • Safe, evidence-based medical treatment for withdrawal
  • Attention from on-site staff 24/7
  • Monitoring of vital signs every 2-4 hours
  • Elective mental health counseling
  • Enough time for breaks and recuperation
  • A safe setting far from triggers for substance use
  • A fully furnished bedroom with attached bath
  • Well-balanced, chef-designed meals, snacks, and beverages
  • Access to the resident recreational lounge
  • Absolute patient privacy and confidentiality
  • Guidance for questions in regard to costs and insurance

Find Assistance For Depression And Addiction Near Philadelphia Today

Don’t wait if you need assistance detoxing while dealing with depression. Beacon Point is here for you. Call 267-715-9624 or submit the following contact form for prompt help. A member of our team will respond quickly, no matter the hour. We’re ready to take your call now.