Drug & Alcohol Detox in Philadelphia

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Residential Rehab Near Philadelphia

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Regardless of whether this is your first time in addiction rehab or you've undertaken it in the past, we recognize that you could feel anxious and uncertain about going to Beacon Point Recovery Center. We hope our sharing of our custom-tailored treatment process will dispel some of your worry and help you get the greatest benefit from our services. You can also get in touch with us at 267-715-9624 anytime to talk with one of our supportive admissions professionals about your questions and concerns about rehab.

Why Start Residential Drug Rehab Near Philadelphia?

After you detox from drugs, you’re at your greatest risk for relapsing. Beacon Point Recovery is here to help you stay off of substances and progress on your path to a sober life. Our residential drug rehab program assists you in doing this by

  • Giving you a safe setting away from the external influences that lead to drug use
  • Administering medical care to control ongoing withdrawal symptoms
  • Exploring the core mental causes of drug addiction
  • Introducing valuable coping skills to aid you during addiction recovery
  • Designing an aftercare plan to facilitate a long-lasting recovery

When you’re prepared to make the next move in overcoming drug use, reach out to Beacon Point Recovery. Our experienced team will help figure out if rehab is the right spot for you and tell you everything you need to know about our admissions procedures.

Why Enter Residential Rehab For Alcohol Near Philadelphia?

The majority of people dealing with alcohol use disorder cannot halt drinking by themselves. Detox facilities keep you alive while alcohol is cleared from your system, but it’s challenging not to start using again when you continue to have cravings and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Beacon Point’s alcohol rehab process in Philadelphia helps you face these difficulties. After detoxing from alcohol, come to us, and we will

  • Give you comfortable living accommodations away from influences that trigger drinking
  • Provide medical assistance for withdrawal symptoms
  • Treat the mental side of alcohol use disorder and co-occurring disorders
  • Help you learn healthy coping techniques for resisting alcohol and handling the difficulties of everyday living
  • Take care of your exact needs so you may concentrate on you

Detox alone isn't sufficient to remain sober for the long-term. Contact Beacon Point Recovery Center today to explore how we will help you overcome an addiction to alcohol at our facility.

What Is Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab is the second stage of recovery for substance use disorders after detoxing. During rehab at Beacon Point Recovery Center, you’ll live in our up-to-date residential facility and obtain addiction treatment daily. We treat addiction with several therapy techniques and have medical professionals to help you manage all types of withdrawal symptoms.

Above all else, there will be no access to drugs or alcohol here. You’ll have the chance to devote yourself to recovery without the enticement to take addictive substances. After treatment, your withdrawal symptoms will be under control, and you’ll have developed tools for staying sober as you resume normal life.

What To Expect During Rehab Intake

As soon as you arrive at our facility, Beacon Point Recovery personnel are there to help. We keep our admissions process simple and give you a chance to get comfortable prior to starting care. For each patient, we:

  • Perform a thorough medical and psychological appraisal
  • Examine belongings for banned or restricted items
  • Give you a urine drug screen
  • Designate a room and show you around

Before you officially begin treatment, we utilize the results of your assessment to develop a customized plan for your medical support and therapy. We believe in supporting each patient uniquely and adapting our rehab process to fulfill your unique needs for the highest quality care possible.

How We Use Therapy During Rehab

At Beacon Point Recovery, we recognize that mental illnesses and psychological wounds often lie at the core of drug and alcohol addictions. In rehab, you’ll have the chance to explore the “why” behind your substance use in counseling and begin to recover.

We use many kinds of therapy to meet specific needs. You should plan on attending

Our therapists are experts in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction and use evidence-based methods. As you engage in treatment, you’ll learn

  • How to recognize and address co-existing disorders
  • How to deal with compulsions
  • How to elevate your mental health
  • New, appropriate coping skills
  • How to repair relationships

All these new tools will help you sustain the forward movement in your substance use recovery and help you enjoy a healthier, happier life after you finish rehab.

Medical Support Over The Course Of Rehab

Enhancing your physical well-being is just as important as improving your mental well-being. Our nursing staff will aid you in addressing any health conditions by dispensing over-the-counter and prescription medications when needed. We also promote your physical and mental health with healthy meals, access to a personal workout room, and a chance for contemplation on our outdoor patio.

A large focus of your rehabilitation will be on lessening your drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms. At the intake stage, our healthcare team decides if medication for the aches, nervousness, cravings, and other symptoms is suitable. We only employ reputed medications and work to determine safe dosages contingent on your unique needs and medical history. We aim to help you become happier and healthier by the end of your stay with us.

How We Set You Up For Success With Aftercare Planning

We know you still need support after exiting our facility, and we intend to make sure you obtain it. One aspect of our residential rehab process near Philadelphia is to assist you in planning for the upcoming steps of your recovery journey.

We’ll collaborate with you and your family to arrange the next phase of recovery and how to steer clear of relapse after you go back home. Beacon Point Recovery Center has partnerships with many different services in the region and can find the appropriate outpatient facility where you will get treatment and medical assistance while resuming your everyday life. We even have an alumni program where a mental health professional will reach out periodically to make sure that your rehab is still moving forward.

Get More Information About Drug And Alcohol Rehab

Not sure if you or a person close to you needs rehab? Let us assist. Call 267-715-9624 or submit the following form and one of our trained team members will respond immediately to talk with you. We respond around the clock, regardless of the time. We are here to help you right now.